A 94 km branch line to Ongerup from Tambellup on the Great Southern Railway main line between Perth and Albany was opened on 6 January 1913 to serve the growing agriculture industry and closed on 13 October 1957.[1] It was authorised for construction under the Tambellup-Ongerup Railway Act 1911.[2] [3]
A timetable from 1937 shows 2 trains per week leaving Ongerup on Tuesdays at 06:55 and Fridays at 04:00. Lengthy connections of around 12 hours were available at Katanning for Perth, arriving approximately 30 hours after leaving Ongerup.[4]. In 1918 a barracks was constructed on Eldridge Street for railway workers based in Ongerup. The building survived the closure of the railway and now houses the Ongerup / Needilup District Museum that was opened in 1978.
The line went via Tambellup, Dartnall, Toolbrunup, Pallinup, Gnowangerup, Formby, Kebaringup, Borden, Laurier, Toompup and finally Ongerup.[4] Borden and Laurier came into being as sidings on the new railway in 1912.[5] Water supply for the trains was provided at Formby[6]